Joel Rueben Madden 'the neck tattoo of brass knuckles"

Joel Rueben Madden was born in the year 1979, March 11, in Waldorf, Maryland to Roger Combs and Robin Madden. The pop artist also has an identical twin known as Benji Madden who is also in to music industry. Madden completed his studies from La Plata High School. He excels in his career with the Good Charlotte band and has enchanted millions of hearts across the globe. Madden had a romantic relationship with Hilary Duff in the year 2004 but however they ended their relationship in 2006 November. Madden married Nicole Richie on December 11 2010 and are blessed with two daughters.
 Joel Rueben Madden 'the neck tattoo of brass knuckles"

Joel Madden is in love with tattoos and its effects. He simply adores his awesome tattoos and has several of them over his body eventually. Joel has the neck tattoo of brass knuckles and there are scribed words “Loyalty” written underneath and 3 stars above it. And on his two shoulders the singer has inked outline of star and on his chest portrait image tattoo of praying hands with the biblical quote, “Saved by Grace.” Under his right forearm he has embedded Mother Mary portrait and on the elbow with the Irish flag tattoo.

The pop rocker has the picture image of Jesus depicted on the inner location of lower right arm and on the outer part he has drawn the M-A-D-D-E-N. He has a wrist tattoo of a star with this word written below it- Hope. The entire crew members of the Good Charlotte band have is the three letters engraved on his right hand, which denotes “American Murder Crew.” There is a cross tattoo along with a banner surrounding it and a rose etc. And on his forearm Madden has portrait tattoo of Joseph with the word salvation written on the left forearm. The hot looking singer has more tattoos inked in his wrist, sleeve, legs, foot and more.

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